
Your trusted Recruitment Partner

Tailored Recruitment Solutions for Your Business

Finding employees who not only meet your job specifications but also align with the culture and values of your business is crucial for long-term success. At BDM Recruitment, we understand the importance of sourcing the right candidates to ensure the quality and efficiency of your workforce.

With our expertise and dedication, we partner with businesses like yours to seek out candidates who not only possess the necessary skills and qualifications but also complement the unique culture and ethos of your organisation. Whether you’re a small local enterprise or a multinational corporation, we are committed to finding the perfect fit for your team.

Our extensive clientele spans across various industries, from small-scale local organisations to FTSE 100 companies and multinationals. With over 20 years of experience in financial and mortgage advisor recruitment, we have earned a reputation for delivering exceptional results while upholding the highest professional standards.

Let BDM Recruitment be your trusted partner in finding the talent that will drive your business forward and contribute to its continued success.

Our Comprehensive Recruitment Services

At BDM Recruitment, we offer a wide range of services designed to streamline your hiring process and ensure you find the perfect candidate for your role. Our dedication to excellence and attention to detail set us apart, and our services reflect our commitment to providing you with the best possible recruitment experience.

Extensive Candidate Databases:
Our extensive candidate databases encompass individuals at all levels, ensuring that we can match you with the perfect candidate regardless of the position you’re looking to fill.

Pre-Screening and Verification:
Before submitting candidates for your consideration, we meticulously check their qualifications, passports, and completed registration forms, ensuring that you receive only the most qualified and suitable applicants.

In-House Candidate Interviewing:
To guarantee the quality of our candidates, we conduct in-house interviews before submitting them to you, ensuring that they meet both your job specifications and our rigorous standards.

Candidate Reference Checking:
We go the extra mile by conducting thorough reference checks on all candidates, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your hiring decision.

Standardised CV Submissions:
To streamline your review process, we submit CVs in a standard layout and format, making it easy for you to compare candidates and make informed decisions.

Interview Coaching and Advice:
Our team offers interview coaching and advice to both candidates and clients, ensuring that everyone is well-prepared for every step of the hiring process.

In addition to our extensive candidate databases, we also offer headhunting services to find candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but would be perfect for your role.

Advertising and Networking:
We utilise a variety of advertising channels and networking strategies to reach potential candidates, ensuring that we have access to the best talent available.

Salary Guidance and Market Advice:
We provide comprehensive salary guidance and advice on market conditions, helping you make competitive offers and attract top talent to your organisation.

At BDM Recruitment, we are committed to providing you with exceptional recruitment services tailored to your specific needs. Trust us to handle every aspect of the hiring process with professionalism, efficiency, and expertise.


Contact our recruitment team today and let us find your ideal candidate today

We aim to please

We have been working with Just Mortgages to fill a number of vacancies across one of the largest independent residential sales and residential lettings branch networks in the UK.

‘In my 30 years in the industry I have always had a difficult relationship with recruiters until I met Bryn from BDM Recruitment, most recruiters will send CVs of candidates that they have not matched to our requirements or looked at what the candidates want.

Bryn however initially took the time to find out exactly what Just Mortgages needed by talking to me and my team, a great experience for us all and the candidates come well prepared and are suited to our business.  I would recommend this company.’

John Phillips
National Operations Director

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